
Code Validation FAQ for Parents Accessing the New Childcare Entitlements 

Many parents have questions specifically about the code validation stage of the childcare application process. We have collated an FAQ designed to support parents to navigate the application, code validation and reconfirmation process.

If you are a local authority, you may want to use this to check any communications you already have for parents, or as a template to create your own version by adding local information – like contact details for your Family Information Service and your branding – before sending to providers to share with parents. If you are a provider, you may want to share with parents directly.

Download our Childcare Codes FAQ here

There are a number of FAQ resources online to support parents to access the new childcare entitlements.

Childcare Choices is the best source of accurate, up to date information.
You can access:

These are great resources to share with parents, to help them access childcare support, such as the funded entitlements and Tax-Free Childcare.

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