
HUB for Providers

About the HUB

Childcare is changing

Childcare Providers have the unique opportunity to embrace a huge expansion in childcare provision. The Childcare Works HUB hosts resources that will support Providers to deliver this expansion in both early years and wraparound care.


The HUB connects Providers implementing early years or wraparound childcare expansion to a wide range of high-quality knowledge and learning resources. In the HUB you have:

Comprehensive access: The LAB provides a single gateway for LAs to access various resources, including case studies, DfE guidance, articles, e-books, and evidence summary tools.

Single search: With the HUB, you can perform a single search to find relevant information. It aggregates all the essential resources in one place, making it easier for childcare professionals to access the knowledge they need.

Free access: Providers can access the HUB free of charge. 

Quality assurance: By using the HUB, you can avoid less reliable sources that you might encounter during a general web search. Instead, you will have access to trustworthy and evidence-based expertly curated content. 

Expert support: If you need assistance or have questions related to the HUB, Childcare Works can provide guidance and support.

Who is the HUB for?

The HUB has been created for childcare Providers who are working on the rollout of the new childcare entitlements and wraparound care programme.

How does the HUB work?

The HUB is a one-stop shop for all currently available resources relating to the new childcare entitlements and wraparound care programme.

Here you can expect to find:

  • Vodcasts 

  • How to guide 

  • Blogs 

  • Top Tips 

  • Business Case
  • Templates 

  • Case studies

The HUB will be regularly updated with both new Childcare Works resources and links to resources from other organisations.

Where to start?

Visit HUB resources pages now to find the resources you need. If you can’t find what you are looking for, let us know and we will do our best to help.

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