Supply and Demand Measures
Utilising the research feeding into the Dingley’s Promise manifesto, this webinar supports local authorities to have a contextualised insight into the assessment of childcare sufficiency for children with SEND. It provides information from areas Dingley’s Promise worked with to develop and utilise supply and demand measures in qualitative and quantitative ways.
The Case for Supporting Early Years SEND Sufficiency
Important background on why you should support early years SEND sufficiency.
Why Securing Sufficient Early Years and Childcare Places for Children with SEND is Crucial to Council Wide Priorities
This webinar provides an outline of the legal frameworks in which Local Authorities must operate, and critically will support how they can limit the risk of legal challenge by taking reasonable steps.
Responding to Requests for Wraparound Childcare
Guidance to help schools and academy trusts understand how to respond to parents’, carers’ and childcare providers’ requests for wraparound childcare.
The Importance of Occupancy
A consideration of why occupancy is important. This is a step-by-step guide to help you understand your numbers.
Market Analysis – Mapping Supply and Demand
How to use internal data and how we consider what is happening locally to consider whether supply and demand in our area is increasing or decreasing.
How to Conduct a PEST Analysis
PEST Analysis is a tool that enables you to analyse the Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural, and Technological changes in your business environment. Conducting a PEST analysis will allow you to maximise opportunities in relation to the new childcare roll-out.
Provider Business Planning Support for Local Authorities
This PREPARE package of documents, templates and videos will support local authorities to develop strategic plans for providers, enabling them to deliver the expanded early years entitlements and the national wraparound childcare programme.
Let’s Talk About… Supply and Demand Webinar Slides
How to work collaboratively with providers to support their understanding of the childcare market and analyse their own supply and demand.