Childcare expansion myth-buster for providers
This easy-to-read myth-buster has been developed to address common misconceptions around the childcare expansion. The visually optimised resource shares comprehensive and accurate information from trusted official sources that can easily be downloaded, printed and shared with staff teams, or displayed in staff rooms.
Childcare Works – Webinar Summary (Summer and Autumn 2024)
Missed a webinar? This summary document includes links to resources including recordings and slides – a great way to recap on any content you may have missed, all in one place!
Meet Lucy Lewin
Lucy features in some of the recorded presentations. In this video clip she introduces herself and her background in early years and childcare. Meet Lucy View on Vimeo
Childcare Works Weekly Updates
Childcare Works provides regular communications updates about new and relevant Early Years and Wraparound resources and events for Local Authorities and Childcare Providers.
DfE Wraparound and Early Years LA Webinar Q&A
This comprehensive Q&A document provided by the DfE answers all local authority queries outstanding from the Wraparound and Early Years LA webinar on 8th August 2024.
Annex E: Government Funded Childcare for Eligible Two-Year-Olds – Toolkit for Providers
This document, created by Hull City Council, provides a comprehensive toolkit for childcare providers delivering funded places for eligible two-year-olds in Hull.