Childcare Works – Webinar Summary (Summer and Autumn 2024)
Missed a webinar? This summary document includes links to resources including recordings and slides – a great way to recap on any content you may have missed, all in one place!
Route Map to 2025 for Early Years Expansion and Roll-out of the Wraparound Childcare Programme
The route map suggests where we feel local authorities need to be in terms of their planning for, and delivery of, the programmes at the end of each academic term and breaks down some of the tasks that need to be completed to help reach that point. It also confirms the key deadlines along the […]
Let’s Be Confident… in Understanding How Schools Can Deliver Early Education Places
This 60-minute session built on the how the discussion started on 7 November which looks at the role of schools in sufficiency planning for the early years entitlements. It provided officers responsible for sufficiency planning and market management an opportunity to explore and understand the different ways schools can offer early years places to support action planning activity.
Wraparound Provision in Schools: Insights from the Bi-Borough
This resource package comprises two case studies and an example FAQ resource for parents. Case study 1 explores a thriving wraparound care program in a Bi-borough school serving Westminster, and Kensington and Chelsea. Case study 2 highlights how Barlby Primary School in North Kensington provides inclusive and flexible care from 7:45am to 6pm, ensuring children receive nutritious meals and enriching activities.
Wraparound Early Adopter Case Studies
From the start of the wraparound expansion project, four local authorities have been early adopters – supporting with additional data collection, information sharing and learning in order to provide other local authorities with best practice. Here are the case studies of the findings.
Let’s Be Confident… Working with Wraparound Providers
A recording and accompanying slide deck for the webinar titled Let’s be confident in … Working with Wraparound Providers, the Part 2 of Let’s Talk About Working with Wraparound Providers.
Let’s Talk About… Tax-Free Childcare and Other Childcare Support and How it Supports Sustainability
Slides with guidance for providers about tax free childcare and other support that supports business sustainability.
Wraparound Early Adopter Summaries
Download summaries of the experiences of local authorities who have been early adopters for wraparound childcare.
Let’s Be Confident… Using Tools to Support Good Financial Management Practice
Slides from the action learning Let’s Be Confident… Tools to Support Good Financial Management Practice supported by expert advisors.