
Speech and Language Resources for Practitioners

An introduction to speech, language and communication Speech and Language UK’s free introduction to speech, language and communication course introduces how to support children and young people’s speech, language and communication skills, why this is crucial for learning and wellbeing, and how to identify children with challenges. View here   Speech, language and communication advanced […]

Hear from Barnsley’s Employees in the Childcare Sector

Barnsley local authority’s recruitment and retention Task and Finish group has created five Youtube videos as part of a package to support recruitment and retention in the childcare sector. Watch them by clicking the links below: Lauren the Early Years Apprentice Kimberley the Early Years Practitioner  Kate the Portage Practitioner  Gaynor the Home Based Childminder […]

Local Authority Job Descriptions and Role Profiles – Early Adopters

These local authority job descriptions and role profiles provided by Cambridgeshire, Central Bedfordshire, and the Bi-Borough provide a helpful starting point for local authorities increasing capacity within their teams. Bi-Borough JD Template Wraparound Strategic Transformation Lead Cambridgeshire Place Planning Officer JD and PS Central Beds WAC adviser advert April 2024 Central Beds Role Profile – […]

Local Authority Team Structures – Early Adopters

These local authority structures provided by Early Adopter local authorities Cambridgeshire and the Bi-Borough provide an insight into how local authorities could structure their teams. Cambridge Governance Structure Bi Borough Current Structure Chart June 2024

Let’s Be Confident… ​in Understanding How Schools Can Deliver Early Education Places

This 60-minute session built on the how the discussion started on 7 November which looks at the role of schools in sufficiency planning for the early years entitlements. It provided officers responsible for sufficiency planning and market management an opportunity to explore and understand the different ways schools can offer early years places to support action planning activity.

‘Back to Basics’ Childcare Sufficiency (Session 1): The Sufficiency Duty Unpicked

In response to requests from local authority colleagues, this webinar provided a comprehensive ‘back to basics’ review of the Childcare Sufficiency Duty. It included advice, guidance, and practical examples on planning and executing Childcare Sufficiency Assessments. Session 1: The Sufficiency Duty Unpicked Topic: Understanding the role of the local authority, market management, and achieving these goals […]

Business Plan Template and Financial Forecasting Tool for Wraparound Providers

The Business Plan Template from Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council can be used by providers who are setting up or expanding wraparound provision and may support programme funding applications. The Financial Forecasting Tool is a spreadsheet which supports the production of a costed delivery plan, incorporating income, expenditure, places and occupancy to forecast profit/loss margins.

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