Helping Providers Get the Most Out of Childcare Works HUB
The Childcare Works HUB is a one-stop shop hosting a wealth of resources, designed by our specialist team around the themes that you have told us are important, to support childcare providers in the expansion of the early years entitlements and implementation of the wraparound programme. Resources are continually being developed, and new content is being shared […]
Childcare Works – Webinar Summary (Summer and Autumn 2024)
Missed a webinar? This summary document includes links to resources including recordings and slides – a great way to recap on any content you may have missed, all in one place!
Route Map to 2025 for Early Years Expansion and Roll-out of the Wraparound Childcare Programme
The route map suggests where we feel local authorities need to be in terms of their planning for, and delivery of, the programmes at the end of each academic term and breaks down some of the tasks that need to be completed to help reach that point. It also confirms the key deadlines along the […]
Let’s Be Confident… in Understanding How Schools Can Deliver Early Education Places
This 60-minute session built on the how the discussion started on 7 November which looks at the role of schools in sufficiency planning for the early years entitlements. It provided officers responsible for sufficiency planning and market management an opportunity to explore and understand the different ways schools can offer early years places to support action planning activity.
Early Years Funding: 2025 to 2026
Information about early years funding for the 2025 to 2026 financial year, from the Department for Education.
Case Study: Local authority management of SEN Inclusion Funding (SENIF) and Disability Access Funding
On 9 December, the Department for Education published details of local authorities’ early years entitlements funding for 2025-26. To accompany this announcement, the department has shared these examples of local authority practice as a tool for all authorities to use as they are thinking about how to develop their EY SEND approaches locally. These examples have been […]
Let’s Talk About… Engaging Schools in Sufficiency Planning for Early Years
A 60-minute session for officers responsible for childcare market management and the engagement of schools in early years sufficiency planning. Schools will be an essential partner in developing, delivering or supporting new early years places in some areas in 2025. Increasing capacity, lowering age ranges or setting up new provision in available school space may be key activity in sufficiency action plan. Engaging school leaders, MATs and academies will be key to the success of this strategy.
Developing Early Career Pathways Webinar
This 60-minute session, delivered in conjunction with Bristol LA, provided Local Authorities with an overview on how to create early years career pathways within their organisations, and the benefits this can have for recruitment, retention, and training programmes. Whilst the focus is on Early Years, Wraparound Leads may also find it useful to watch.
DfE Local Authority Webinar on Early Years Places – Supply and Demand Analysis
Following the publication of the DfE’s assessment of local supply and demand for Early Years places, a webinar was held with Local Authorities on Friday 25 October 2024, which you can view here.