‘Back to Basics’ Childcare Sufficiency (Session 3): Mapping Demand
In response to requests from Local Authority colleagues, this webinar provided a comprehensive ‘back to basics’ review of the Childcare Sufficiency Duty, specifically mapping demand.
‘Back to Basics’ Childcare Sufficiency (Session 4): Pulling It All Together
In response to requests from local authority colleagues, this webinar provided a comprehensive ‘back to basics’ review of the Childcare Sufficiency Duty, specifically mapping demand.
Early Years SEND Assessment Guidance and Resources
The new Early Years SEND assessment guidance and resources, developed by the Department for Education in partnership with Dingley’s Promise, has been created to support a child-centred, strengths-based approach to assessing children’s needs and sharing their progress and learning with parents, carers and professionals.
Childcare Works Weekly Updates
Childcare Works provides regular communications updates about new and relevant Early Years and Wraparound resources and events for Local Authorities and Childcare Providers.
DfE Wraparound and Early Years LA Webinar Q&A
This comprehensive Q&A document provided by the DfE answers all local authority queries outstanding from the Wraparound and Early Years LA webinar on 8th August 2024.
How to Promote Your Early Years Setting or Wraparound Provision
A series of recorded presentations to support childcare providers with successful marketing and promotion.
Annex E: Government Funded Childcare for Eligible Two-Year-Olds – Toolkit for Providers
This document, created by Hull City Council, provides a comprehensive toolkit for childcare providers delivering funded places for eligible two-year-olds in Hull.
School or Governor-Led Childcare: Resources from Dudley Council
This resource package from Dudley Council includes information about the differences between a maintained provision and a governor-led provision, registering school-based provision with Ofsted and governor training.
Childcare Expansion and Wraparound Grant Templates
Templates developed by Norfolk County Council for Childcare Expansion and Wraparound Grant.