Delivery of the Wraparound Childcare Delivery
Plan for 2024/25 and preparation and
submission of the plan for 2025/26.
By the end of this term you will:
- have completed data gathering in terms of place creation and take-up to inform MI.
reporting and your delivery plan update. - have a clear system in place for grant applications, assessment and funding award.
- be clear on where your targeted school engagement needs to be in the Spring term.
- have a communications plan in place for parents and partners.
- have begun to gather examples of how SEND children and their families are being
supported through the WA childcare programme.
Autumn Term Required Returns
By the end of this term you will:
- have identified case studies of successful place creation to share with providers.
- be clear on your priorities for wraparound childcare place creation for 2025/26.
- reviewed Local Authority activity in support of the programme to ensure its value and impact.
- have developed and implemented a quality assurance framework to monitor new place creation.
Spring Term Required Returns
By the end of this term you will:
- have gathered and shared case studies of families who have been supported because
of place creation through the programme. - have completed an end of academic year review of all new place creation with a view
to ascertaining sustainability of places. - identified any actions which may be required to help further support ongoing
sustainability of provision. - have a plan in place for quality monitoring and CPD and training support provision for
September 2025 and onwards.
Summer Term Required Returns