HUB Feedback Form
We would like to offer you an opportunity to share your views and ideas about the Childcare Works HUB by filling out this form. This will assist us to continuously improve the resources we create for providers and schools on the HUB. The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.
Code Validation FAQ for Parents Accessing the New Childcare Entitlements
Many parents have questions specifically about the code validation stage of the childcare application process. We have collated an FAQ designed to support parents to navigate the application, code validation and reconfirmation process. If you are a local authority, you may want to use this to check any communications you already have for parents, or […]
Childcare Expansion Myth-buster for Providers
This easy-to-read myth-buster has been developed to address common misconceptions around the childcare expansion. The visually optimised resource shares comprehensive and accurate information from trusted official sources that can easily be downloaded, printed and shared with staff teams, or displayed in staff rooms.
Local Authority Team Structures – Early Adopters
These local authority structures provided by Early Adopter local authorities Cambridgeshire and the Bi-Borough provide an insight into how local authorities could structure their teams. Cambridge Governance Structure Bi Borough Current Structure Chart June 2024
Briefing on Wraparound Childcare for School Governors and Head Teachers
This document provides comprehensive guidance on wraparound childcare for school governors and head teachers in England.
Early Years SEND Assessment Guidance and Resources
The new Early Years SEND assessment guidance and resources, developed by the Department for Education in partnership with Dingley’s Promise, has been created to support a child-centred, strengths-based approach to assessing children’s needs and sharing their progress and learning with parents, carers and professionals.
School or Governor-Led Childcare: Resources from Dudley Council
This resource package from Dudley Council includes information about the differences between a maintained provision and a governor-led provision, registering school-based provision with Ofsted and governor training.
Wraparound Childcare Funding Information
Easy-read Information and guidance for providers about funding opportunities (capital and revenue funding) for wraparound childcare.
Delivery Plan Form Guidance
Delivery Plan Guidance Notes for Local Authorities.