Template Memorandum of Understanding – Wraparound DfE Programme
This template Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) developed by the Bi-Borough (an Early Adopter) outlines their collaboration with schools for the National Wraparound Childcare Programme funded by the Department for Education.
Wraparound Early Adopter Case Studies
From the start of the wraparound expansion project, four local authorities have been early adopters – supporting with additional data collection, information sharing and learning in order to provide other local authorities with best practice. Here are the case studies of the findings.
A Package of Example Resources Developed by Calderdale Council to Support the Application of Funding for Wraparound Childcare
Download resources to support the application for funding for wraparound childcare.
Example Funding Initiative to Support Providers Expanding Their Wraparound Care Offer
Example of a local authority grant application process for providers to access further funding pots to support their wraparound provision expansions.
Application Form: Grants for Developing Wraparound Childcare Provision
Download resources to support the application for funding for wraparound childcare.
Wraparound Early Adopter Summaries
Download summaries of the experiences of local authorities who have been early adopters for wraparound childcare.
Templates and Guidance Forms
A variety of templates and guidance forms from various local authorities.
Let’s Talk About… Supply and Demand Staffordshire Sufficiency Report
An example from Staffordshire Local Authority of how they share sufficiency data with providers.
Let’s Talk About… Supply and Demand Staffordshire Childcare Sufficiency Survey
An example childcare sufficiency survey from Staffordshire Local Authority.