What Have We Learnt with Wraparound Programme Early Adopters?
We have reflected upon some of 2024’s key learning from the Wraparound Early Adopters – those that put themselves forward for early rollout of the wraparound programme in the summer term 2024. Here, we set out our top six insights into implementing and scaling of the National Wraparound Childcare Programme. We highlight some of the […]
Local Authority Job Descriptions and Role Profiles – Early Adopters
These local authority job descriptions and role profiles provided by Cambridgeshire, Central Bedfordshire, and the Bi-Borough provide a helpful starting point for local authorities increasing capacity within their teams. Bi-Borough JD Template Wraparound Strategic Transformation Lead Cambridgeshire Place Planning Officer JD and PS Central Beds WAC adviser advert April 2024 Central Beds Role Profile – […]
Local Authority Recruitment for the National Wraparound Childcare Programme
This briefing sets out insights into Local Authority recruitment for the National Wraparound Childcare Programme, from wraparound Early Adopter Local Authorities and others. Key enabler: dedicated staff resource In Norfolk, the team is headed by a strategic lead overseeing both the wraparound childcare and early years divisions. They are supported by four managers who share […]
Local Authority Team Structures – Early Adopters
These local authority structures provided by Early Adopter local authorities Cambridgeshire and the Bi-Borough provide an insight into how local authorities could structure their teams. Cambridge Governance Structure Bi Borough Current Structure Chart June 2024
Wraparound Provision in Schools: Insights from the Bi-Borough
This resource package comprises two case studies and an example FAQ resource for parents. Case study 1 explores a thriving wraparound care program in a Bi-borough school serving Westminster, and Kensington and Chelsea. Case study 2 highlights how Barlby Primary School in North Kensington provides inclusive and flexible care from 7:45am to 6pm, ensuring children receive nutritious meals and enriching activities.
Wraparound Early Adopter Case Studies
From the start of the wraparound expansion project, four local authorities have been early adopters – supporting with additional data collection, information sharing and learning in order to provide other local authorities with best practice. Here are the case studies of the findings.
Supply and Demand Mapping: Insights from Bi-Borough
This document sets out insights on supply and demand mapping for the wraparound programme from the Early Adopter: Bi-Borough.
Supply and Demand Mapping: Summary Insights from Early Adopters
This one-pager summarises the key insights from all early adopters into an easy read one-page document.
Supply and Demand Mapping: Insights from Cambridgeshire
This document sets out insights on supply and demand mapping for the wraparound programme from the Early Adopter: Cambridgeshire.