
3 July Let’s Talk About… Success with a High-Risk Over Supply Model for Wraparound Provision

Date: 03/07/2024
Time: 14:00 -15:30
Location: Online, via Microsoft Teams

This 90-minute action learning set is for officers who are working with schools and Providers around the National Wraparound Childcare Programme in England. This session will consider the practicalities and risks when implementing the DfE’s over-supply model for wraparound childcare. Through facilitator input and action learning discussions, we will:  

  • Consider what an over-supply model is and why it’s used,  
  • Think about the risks and benefits of this model and how to manage these locally,  
  • Explore monitoring and mitigations of risk for the success of this model, 
  • Begin developing a strategy for market management when using an over-supply model in your area.  

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