
19 November Regional Network Meeting – Manchester (Face to Face)

Date: 19/11/2024
Time: 09:30 - 15:30 approx
Location: Manchester

We have scheduled face-to-face regional meetings in November 2024. These meetings are aimed at bringing you together with peers from across all local authorities, to network, benchmark your delivery and share success and challenge.

Regional meetings are designed to share the latest DfE and Childcare Works information, and to focus on planning and delivery for wraparound childcare and the expanded early years entitlements.

In the first instance places are limited to two colleagues from each LA – we would recommend representation from both early years and Wraparound. If you want to add additional staff to a ‘reserve’ list, please email and we will review booking levels nearer to delivery.

An agenda will be issued in the near future.

Approximate timings for each event will be 10am – 3.30pm, with arrival and registration from 09.30am.

Bookings closed.

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Location: Online, via Microsoft Teams

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