Wraparound Delivery Plan Update & Spring Management Information – Q&A Session 1
This session which took place on the 5th of February 2025 was a talk through of the Delivery Plan and Management Information process by Childcare Works colleagues, it was an opportunity for LAs to ask any questions regarding completing and submitting your DP and MI return.
Wraparound Delivery Plan Update & Spring Management Information
This Department for Education and Childcare Works-led session provided LAs with key information and tips to successfully complete the Delivery Plan template and Management Information survey submission. The session also provided LAs with the opportunity to have their questions answered about the DP and MI survey, this part of the session was not recorded.
Making Funding Work: The Use of Government Funding as a Sustainable Business Mode
Lucy Lewin provides you with information and strategies needed to make the most of government funding. The recording discusses the different types of funding streams, how to apply for them, and ways to use these funds strategically for long-term sustainability. Want to know more about Lucy Lewin? Watch her introductory video here.
Early Years and Wraparound Toolkit Launch
This session was an online walkthrough for the Early Years and Wraparound Toolkit for local authorities. The aim of this walkthrough was to provide LAs with a clear understanding of how the toolkits work by highlighting the relevant sections, describing how it can be used and how local authorities can promote these valuable resources to […]
Hear from Barnsley’s Employees in the Childcare Sector
Barnsley local authority’s recruitment and retention Task and Finish group has created five Youtube videos as part of a package to support recruitment and retention in the childcare sector. Watch them by clicking the links below: Lauren the Early Years Apprentice Kimberley the Early Years Practitioner Kate the Portage Practitioner Gaynor the Home Based Childminder […]
Helping Providers Get the Most Out of Childcare Works HUB
The Childcare Works HUB is a one-stop shop hosting a wealth of resources, designed by our specialist team around the themes that you have told us are important, to support childcare providers in the expansion of the early years entitlements and implementation of the wraparound programme. Resources are continually being developed, and new content is being shared […]
Childcare Works – Webinar Summary (Summer and Autumn 2024)
Missed a webinar? This summary document includes links to resources including recordings and slides – a great way to recap on any content you may have missed, all in one place!
Meet Lucy Lewin
Lucy features in some of the recorded presentations. In this video clip she introduces herself and her background in early years and childcare.
Invoicing, Consumables, and Charging Structures
Effective management of invoicing consumables and charging structures is crucial for maintaining transparency and fairness as required by the DfE statutory and operational guidance. This recording considers the requirements of the operational guidance and explores invoicing good practice. Hear first-hand a provider’s experience of defining consumables vs. equipment and resources, how to develop fair and […]