
Wraparound Delivery Plan Update & Spring Management Information

This Department for Education and Childcare Works-led session provided LAs with key information and tips to successfully complete the Delivery Plan template and Management Information survey submission. The session also provided LAs with the opportunity to have their questions answered about the DP and MI survey, this part of the session was not recorded.

HUB Feedback Form

We would like to offer you an opportunity to share your views and ideas about the Childcare Works HUB by filling out this form. This will assist us to continuously improve the resources we create for providers and schools on the HUB. The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

What Have We Learnt with Wraparound Programme Early Adopters?  

We have reflected upon some of 2024’s key learning from the Wraparound Early Adopters – those that put themselves forward for early rollout of the wraparound programme in the summer term 2024.   Here, we set out our top six insights into implementing and scaling of the National Wraparound Childcare Programme.  We highlight some of the […]

Making Funding Work: The Use of Government Funding as a Sustainable Business Mode

Lucy Lewin provides you with information and strategies needed to make the most of government funding. The recording discusses the different types of funding streams, how to apply for them, and ways to use these funds strategically for long-term sustainability. Want to know more about Lucy Lewin? Watch her introductory video here.

Code Validation FAQ for Parents Accessing the New Childcare Entitlements 

Many parents have questions specifically about the code validation stage of the childcare application process. We have collated an FAQ designed to support parents to navigate the application, code validation and reconfirmation process. If you are a local authority, you may want to use this to check any communications you already have for parents, or […]

Top Tips for Engaging with Early Years and Wraparound Providers: 5 Local Authority Examples

Local authorities play a crucial role in supporting and engaging with early years settings and wraparound care providers. While this can sometimes be easy, you may also need to explore innovative ways to enhance partnerships. This blog highlights best practice and new opportunities for engagement with childcare providers.   From recognition events to digital platforms, each […]

Case Study: Promoting childminding as a Career – Wraparound Focus 

In a childminder recruitment and retention consultation by the Department for Education (March to May 2024), the following were cited as contributing to a decline in childminder numbers:  Time and cost of registering  Property restrictions  Issues related to entitlement funding and universal credit  Feelings of isolation  A lack of recognition for the profession  Business administration […]

Case Study: Expanding a Childminding Business to Offer Wraparound Care 

Introduction  With the national expansion of wraparound care creating growing demand for before and after school care services, it is an exciting opportunity and key way for childminders to sustain and develop their businesses. The national programme aims to help working parents better balance their careers and childcare responsibilities, while creating significant opportunities for childcare […]

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